Batch publishing

With the command line you should be able to batch publish.

But you cannot publish to xapi..

Anyone got experienced with this...or knows some nice workarounds ?




Discussion (4)

BTW, just interested, what is your use case for it?

Hey Math,

First, let me say I'm thrilled to hear that you are using xAPI so much that you need command line publishing!

That being said, yes, it is something we should add in. Command line publishing was added quite some time ago, and was not updated for xAPI.

I'll make sure it gets written up

Hi John,

We got a consumer project, cannot tell what and where due to confidentiality restrictions, that should go live in Octobre ( mobile, tablets and desktop ), for which we have more then 180 modules ( smaller and bigger ones ). All build in Lectora offcourse. Batch publishing would lighten the workload in those last weeks, when we got all ready and are finishing up. Another thing that might be handy for really bigger workflows and projects is an option for external control of Lectora like jsx ( javascript ) for Adobe software. I now use macro programmes like Quickeys to handle often needed combo's of keyboard and mouse clicks to interact with Lectora when developing. Some underlying Javascript code to control the Lectora interface i would love.

Infact we develop in xApi most of the time. Our custom LMS is mainly xApi.

When this project is released, i can tell and show more of it.



Looking forward to hearing more about it when it is released!

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