Animated elements

Hi all,

Working on creating reusable animated elements. In the end i will make them available to the community.

Please let me know what kind of elements you all would want/need.. then i can take these along the ride..

Kind regards,


Discussion (14)

You rock, Math! :) Can't wait to see what you post!


Thanks for your generous offer!

What kinds of "animated elements" do you mean? Do you mean visual animations of things, or do you mean interface elements, like fancy tab groups, slide shows, and such?

How about some kind of note-taking feature that the learner could pop up at will and use throughout the course (and even print out at the end)? (Not sure that's an "animated element" though, although I suppose it could be one....)

Hi, I am interested in some kind of fireworks animation to put on the page that the user hits after successful completion of the test. Just something simple, not a grand finale. Do you have anything like that? thanks, Heidi

Both noted, and might have or will add one ;-)

avatar talking; doors opening;

Thx Tim...indeed my work-around too ;-)

For ease for reusability the first of these animated elements im gonna make without the use of Javascript.

Now i have an element that has 2 buttons in it... both with an over-state... so hovering over any of these, i want both overstates of the 2 buttons being triggered... i can change a state to active/disabled... but can i target the 2 buttons in any way in Lectora without using Javascript ?

All noted, and on it. Especially switalba's avatar talking i did have this in mind for quite a while. Have to find a solution where it will be easy to change/edit images and set timing for expressions on the face.. well definately a nice challenge... ;-)

The only way I can think of would be to show the over-state as a separate image above the second button.


Added 3 animated elements here.



Very very nice, thank you!


Allright..think i do have a setup like that..have to see if i can make it easy reusable.

How about a card flipping animation. Upon clicking the card, it would appear to flip horizontally to reveal text underneath.

A card flipping setup shared here:

This one uses 2 images to show...on frontside and backside.Offcourse you can use divs with content too, but then you need to play around with this setup and make that happen for your project...



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