Selecting and moving a group with keys

Not sure whether this qualifies as something for the wishlist or as a bug. When you select a group of items in LO you cannot use keys (Arrow down or Arrow up) to move that group. Instead LO selects a next item. In Lectora 17 however, thanks to the fact you have a SelectItem icon you can use those keys to move/nudge a pageelement up or down. Noticing that, i do think this is more a bug then a nice-to-have. I would like to have a icon in LO that when selected makes keys on pagelements act like in 17. Move/nudge elements...

PS. after writing this i thought, lets try and not select the group, but select all items in a group and then do the same thing...well then you can move them by keys. So how about moving and selecting multiple groups. Well then it wont work. So i would like to have some option to select single elements of different groups and then move them by keys.

Discussion (2)

Thanks for updating your post with your further findings. We do not allow multi-selections across different parents when single selecting or selecting in the tree. However this can be done with the selection rectangle. If you use the selection rectangle you could select two objects from different groups. Then the arrow keys would work to move the two groups.

By selection rectangle I mean this method of selecting objects: Using your mouse, draw a rectangle within your work area by clicking, and while holding down the left mouse button, dragging the cursor to define a rectangle. All objects within the rectangle will be selected.

Why we don't allow single selecting across parents is another issue. I will write an issue to do some investigation about how we can make this better.

For elements that are close together the selection rectangle is not a valid option. I have to test whether you could select multiple elements in different groups, and then use alt-click in the title -explorer to deselect any redundant elements. However this would be quite complex and inconvenient way of multiselecting elements in different groups.


Yes the latter works in LO. So selection rectangle different groups of elements, then ctrl+click whichever element you dont want selected in the title explorer and you got a multiselection over different groups. For now i do think this works for me. Ctrl+click in the title explore to select multiple elements in different groups shouldnot be too tough to implement, it is working allready with this workaround...

And another update on this... when following this workaround... you can ctrl+click to not only remove already selected elements, but also ctrl+click to add other elements ( for now only tested in the same groups...not sure whether it will work on other not selected groups ) So i do think its weird ctrl+click for multiselecting elements in different groups is not working, but when you follow the workaround...then it does work....

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