Transitions bug in Online


Encountering some behaviour that at least is not userfriendly, possibly even a bug. When selecting a textfield and trying to set a transition on it, sometimes it doesnot apply it at all. Also when you already have some transition on a textfield and want to change the duration...well the transition is completely deleted from the textfield at hand.



Discussion (4)

Not in the browser, when in Lectora Online itself it already is noticeable that the transition disappears.

Noticed it on fades and wipes so far.

What browser(s) are you seeing this on? Any particular transition you are using?

Let me re-phrase my question. What browser(s) were you running LO on when you saw this?

Firefox, the latest version. Didnot think of that.. its a webbased tool offcourse ;-) When encountering issues in the future will test/check whether they occur in other browsers too :-)

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