Action grpups from Javascript in Lectora Online


Hi Joe,

First of all...happy and creative 2020... Somewhere last year you created a script that can be used to 'Run ActionGroups from Javascript' by adding some prefix (EDU_ ) in front of it...and then in your Javascript you can just call that specific name without having to worry about HTMLnames of those actiongroups. I added that to my scripts-workflow and it works perfectly in Lectora Online..

Now however i am trying to use Seamless Play on a title... and your script now doesnot recognize the prefixes anymore. This is the function based on your setup i made and use....

function definePresetforActiongroups(){

// set whatever prefix you want to use for object names that will map to their HTML object

var objectPrefix = "ACT";

console.log("preset is "+objectPrefix);

var chlds = getDisplayDocument().head.childNodes;

for (var i=0;iundefined-1 undefined chlds[i].innerHTML.indexOf('trivWeb20Popups')>-1 )


var re = new RegExp("var\\s*([^\\s]*).*//("+objectPrefix+"[^\\s]*)",'g');

var s = chlds[i].innerHTML;

s.replace(re, function(match, g1, g2) {






If you can check whats causing this not to work in Seamless... would be great...



Discussion (5)

Hi Math! happy and creative 2020 to you also!

Well, here is a quick guess:

Change: eval("window."+g2+"="+g1);

To: getDisplayWindow()[g2] = g1;

Let me know.


Hi Joe,

Alas this didnot fix it.

Getting this error in my console...

Uncaught (in promise) ReferenceError: ACT_changetextfields is not defined

at Array.forEach (undefined



In fact after proper check only the Action Groups call and a dynamic fill in of YouTube movies isnot working properly in Seamless Play... so if i can get that working that would be great...


This works properly in Seamless Play



This doesnot work in Seamless Play



In normal mode both work....

@mnotermans5114 This is way beyond what needs to be in the forum! You have my email, please email me directly about this.

Your right..will do...

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