Texteditor on top of textboxes...
June 22, 2018 12:00 AM
In Lectora Online 4.2 quite a few changes on the texteditor when editing textfields. One major annoying one for me is the size, position and visibility of the editorelements that appear on top of your textfield. For me they obscure/block my sight of the page below. So some customizability of this window would be great. Setting the opacity and position of it would be a big help. Now i need to reposition my text to see whats below it.
Check the images added... I need to change the questionmark in the text showing in the image below. This is easy enough to remember, but often texts are longer or more complicated.

Discussion (6)
Oh my missed that one ;-) Thx Joe... although it acts somewhat weird. If hiding the floating textthingy... it is set to some default more or less, but not completely... if you select another textfield...at first the floating texteditor appears... and when you select the text only then it disappears with a fade. Unnecessary in my opinion. Both the fact it shows at start when selecting another textfield...either i want it shown, or not... and the fact that it then disappears when selecting text. Bit awkward behaviour... from userfriendliness view... show it or hide it.
There is a collapse (triangle) button that will hide the floating toolbar if you wish to do that.
Math, you are right, we will get that fixed, hopefully for 4.2.1 (this weekend) or if not then 4.3 later this year.
Hi Math ... we do know we cleaned up a lot of text editing issues with the 4.2 release, so this feedback that it introduced quite a few bugs is a bit unsettling! If you could send a specific example to support we will take a look at it. I will also ask QA to try copy/paste from desktop titles that were imported to LO, thank you for reporting this.
Will try and duplicate the issues and send them when i hopefully get a bit of time this week(end)...
@wheels - Hi Joe, the texteditor in 4.2 introduced quite a few weird annoying bugs. Cannot pinpoint them precisely, but when copying texts from older titles to newer titles...especially with bullets and some existing formatting, well when copying texts like that...you cannot select and change your text anymore. It just disappears. Had to copy the existing text to Notepad and bring it in fresh to get it fixed. Would be good to test/doublecheck the texteditor in Online especially when copying / pasting texts from older files with existing formatting. As a sidenote the older files where imported from Inspire, i didnot make them so i am not sure whether any garbage was left in that title...
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