Optimizing images in Lectora projects...
April 20, 2016 12:00 AM
Checking contest entries and posts i often notice long, long loading times and build ups on images. As a professional designer and developer and elearning user this annoys me ( i do admit that for quick and dirty setups i donot optimize my images either.. but in the end for a clients work i do ) . And often it can be improved easily. So some quick tips on it
- If you donot need bigger images then what they appear on screen, resize them in your editing tool and not in Lectora. Lectora uses the bigger image to calculate and size the image...thus costing speed and bandwidth, and you will see your image build up slowly.
- if you do need bigger images, optimize them. Jpegs can be perfectly optimized in Photoshop by using saveforWeb. Pngs you best use SUPERPNG a plugin that greatly reduces the size of your pngs.
Check the image below to see what i mean...

Discussion (3)
We actually introduced an in product optimization for images in Lectora Online. You can view a video on it here: http://community.trivantis.com/knowledge-base/optimizing-image-size/. If you have any comments or suggestions you'd like me to pass along to our development team let me know!
Yep spot on, i would also suggest "flattening" PNGs to JPGs if you do not require the transparency a png can give you. Its strange to have to do this in an age of fibre broadband - but like most company intranets/network have a slower download speed and bandwidth capability - so its worth going through your images and sizing down where possible.
Might indeed be nice to have that option in Inspire too. Allthough i do not have access to Online so i cannot test whether the compression and quality it saves in is as good as SuperPNGs quality. Thx Jen
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