action groups

A small trick i use sometimes. Maybe some of you allready know it, if not here it is.

If you use groups a lot, groups with images and texts...

One trick i use...

- setting the visibility of the group to 'initially hidden'...

- adding an action to the group, Show -undefined Target: group

This way you have a nice clean group, with 1 action in it. You can call that group from wherever and it shows.

Discussion (5)

If you have multiple actions in a group, they get triggered automatically.. Also when copying / pasting groups... it works automatically.

Hmm, how is that better/different than having an action triggering Show > Target: Group ? (This way saves an action icon.)

Oh ok, at first look like it seems like an error-prone way to code. I'll have to try it out to see how well it works.

Just spotted this. It really works for me.

I'm creating a sequence that shows different text and images for each step. I've created an Action Group for each step. This makes it easy to identify the items used for each step. If I need an extra item for that step, I just add it to the Action Group.

I created a separate Action Group that hides all Action Groups. This is run before the action that shows the action group.

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