Unusual Issue Rendering Txt as Image....
February 2, 2006 12:00 AM
Given that you are a senior member, I assume you have been around a while. Can you extract one of the offending pages and put it in a title all by itself? Does it still happen? If so, time to zip it up and send in to support.On rereading your original post, my guess is that it has something to do with the questions. I use that option for non-question boxes because I have a lot of green text on black background with border, outline, and margins. Normally they look fine on the screen but if you try to print from IE 6.0 they are all messed up unless you use the Render as image option. I have no trouble so far.So, here is another horrible work-around. Take text from the questions and put it in regular new text blocks. Then go back to the question and put blanks in the answers in the question and turn the Render option off. If you have a matching questions, you will have a problem because it depends on unique answers in the boxes and you have to somehow put the boxes near your non-question text boxes.What kind of questions are they? I will try on my machine.cheers,benEdited By: bpitman on 2006-2-2 18:31:19
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