Transparency of Images in Publisher 11
May 2, 2016 12:00 AM
How can I change the opacity of an image? I'd like to use it to help me place on image on top of another perfectly. This way, I can see through the image with a higher opacity - line up the 2 images, then turn the opacity back down to 0. Guides wouldn't work as these are irregularly shaped images on top of each other.
Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
Sincerely - \Kevin
Discussion (7)
I'm not seeing where opacity is reflected when dragging?

Yeah - that's what I am doing now - the show/hide function using the invisible button. I'm just "eye-balling" the alignment of the images right now unfortunately due to the opacity issue. Oh well. :(
Oh, I love me some snagIT! It is indispensible for me and yep - I have my profiles/hotkeys at the ready to roll every day. :]
Unfortunately like Sergey mentioned image transparency was introduced after version 11. If you can't upgrade I would start by downloading a free trial of SnagIt. It comes free with an Inspire upgrade and I really like it. I do 90% of my image editing in it for course development, community work and other projects. PowerPoint does have transparency options but the process is kind of weird. You could also try using a free online software. I use to have GIMP on my computer and found it easy enough to use. (Image tab under the filters drop down) &
Hmm.. My memory probably failed me. Maybe the dragging transparency was added in a later version as well.
Also, do you know you can show and hide objects in the title explorer? By blinking an object on and off, you could easily determine whether two images are aligned properly without publishing or previewing. Enable "Show visibility checkboxes" in Lectora's preferences.
I don't think you can set image opacity in Lectora 11. Only in 12+.
But when you drag an image, it becomes semi-transparent, which helps position it properly.
Also, you can use Photoshop to create a copy of non-transparent image, make it semi-transparent, add to Lectora, place it properly, take note of position, remove, add the proper non-transparent image to the same co-ordinates.
Or you could publish your title and use Developer Tools in Chrome to adjust the image coordinates carefully (and even adjust image opacity), take note of the final position and apply it in Lectora.
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