inserting an em dash.

HOw does one insert an em dash in Publisher or Lectura?Many thanks -Kevin

Discussion (11)

AnimeDwayne...What if you're using a laptop which of course, doesn't have a numeric keypad, just the standard horizontal numbers across the top of a standard keyboard?I can't seem to get it to work using this method.Many thanks -KevinEdited By: kstagg on 38328.673587963

Good tip! The way I did it was to create the em dash in Word and just copy it into a Lectora text box...that worked, too. I only did that once; now when I want an em dash I just copy it from another page that has one in Lectora.Good tip! The way I did it was to create the em dash in Word and just copy it into a Lectora text box...that worked, too. I only did that once; now when I want an em dash I just copy it from another page that has one in Lectora.

Tecocat...Thanks for the help bud, 'preciate it. I think that's the way I'm headed too.Kevin

Awesome! thanks for the info. Didn't know that about the en dash being named because it is as wide as a printed "n". Is the same philosophy behind the naming of the em dash?Many thanks -Kevin

AnimeDwayne...Thanks for the tip! I got another related question for you, what about an "en dash"? I'm told this is different from an "em dash" in that the former is shorter than an em dash but longer than a "dash". Many thanks -Kevin

Kevin,In the text box, enter hold down the Alt key and enter 0151. This will insert the em-dash.FYI a bullet character is 0149, just in case!Dwayne

AnimeDwayne...RE: suggestion to turn on the NumLock feature on the laptop?SUCCESSSSSSSSSSSSSSS! Gawd I love this forum, you guys have been great, many thanks.Sincerely,Kevin

Here ya go:In any software program that handles text, the em dash can be typed on an enhanced keyboard as Alt + 0151—that is, hold down the "alternate" key and type, using the numerical pad on the right side of the keyboard, the numbers 0151. The en dash can be typed as Alt + 0150. The en dash is usually used when you want to mean "through" as in June 6-June 8. It is called en dash as it longer than a hyphen, yet shorter than the em dash and is the width of the N character in print.

The issue with using word that i've found in the past or any external editor to enter text into Lectora is that the font mapping sometimes is not correct with regard to size. So I've just gotten used to using the keyboard commands to enter all my special characters into the texto box no matter what program I am using (Authorware, Flash, lectora, Word...)About the Notebook question:You'll have to turn on your NumLock feature (Usually a shift-ScrLk or Fn key combo) and then use the keys that are mapped to the number pad.On my IBM Thinkpad. I use Shift-ScrLk to turn on the NumLock feature, then use the UIOPJKL;M,./ keys to mimic the numberpad.Then use the Shift-ScrLk to turn off the NumLock feature.Dwayne

I know you weren't asking me, but I would say that, in the case you're describing, your best bet would be to use the method I mentioned earlier in this thread -- create the em or en dash in Word, then paste it into the text box. That's how I've been doing it, so I know it works...In case you're not familiar with how to create an em or en dash, one way is to select Insert, Symbol from the menu bar, go to the Special Characters tab, choose the kind of dash you want, then click the Insert button. Hope this helps!

Oh, one other option is to click Start/Run then in the command box, enter CharMap. This will bring up a list of all special characters that you can use with each font. Choose the font from the drop down list, and the characters will change in the main window. Then just click the character you want, hit the Copy button, and then paste it into the app you want to use it in.CharMap used to be in the main program list, but no longer. But it is still available. You can even use program manager for old time grins!

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