Active X IE Fix Solution Woes...
January 26, 2007 12:00 AM
MS really ticks me off. If Firefox has found out a way to embed Flash in pages viewed with their browser - why in the heck can't MS? I mean - they just overhauled IE with IE 7 and STILL the problem is an issue? What gives?
The reason why Microsoft made the change is that they lost a lawsuit, not because their original solution didn't work. ArticleI don't know if this solution would work, but perhaps you could try this...In your external javascript file put your code in a function:
function fnFixObjects() {var objects = document.getElementsByTagName( 'object' ); for ( var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++ ) objects[ i ].outerHTML = objects[ i ].outerHTML;}
And then put a Header Scripting object with a timeout on it...
setTimeout("fnFixObjects();", 1000);
But without being able to test this, I'm not sure how well it will work...
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