Images folder.

When I publish from publisher, there is the root and there is an "images" folder. Since flash and graphics all go into that same folder, is there any way to change the name of the "images" folder to something else upon publishing?That is to say, can I make the default name for that folder something else so that whenever I publish in the future, the images folder will be called, say, "assets" instead?Many thanks -KevinEdited By: kstagg on 38331.7491666667

Discussion (8)

That would make it very untidy - code and graphics all mixed up in one directory.

Hi Ben,Is it possible to publish all the files to the root folder, instead of having a nested folder structure? Thanks in advance.Edited By: atuldige on 2007-4-16 11:28:9

Can we customize names of the published folder in the latest Lectora versions?Also can we change/customize the structure of published folders before publishing?

Care to be more specific? That is a very general question. How do you want to do this? Why? Care to be more specific? That is a very general question. How do you want to do this? Why?

Why?Edited By: Ben Pitman on 2007-4-16 12:33:42

Ben,We have a constraint in our content server, where we cannot create a nested folder structure. All the content files have to reside at the root level. Is there some way, we could host Lectora-generated content on our server. In other words, is it possible for Lectora to publish all files at the root level?

You can do it but it would not be trivial. If you are starting from scratch it will be easier. You have to adjust the way you do things in Lectora - there is no easy option or trick I know of. You have to eliminate the images folder. Here is what you have to do. 1. Replace all images with HTML references to objects. 2. Remove any borders on text boxes.3. Do not use Render as Image option - this generates object and puts them in an image file4. Do not use Tree table of contents - I think list or dropdown is ok.5. No questions that use images.6. Replace your buttons with menu objects. If you want something that looks more like a button, use text boxes that look like buttons. Use text boxes that have a 2 or 3 px raised bevel and some color. Use the same color for the border as the background. Clicking does do whatever the button does except it doesn't show a different image. If you really have to have that you can get there with 3 text boxes and a transparent button but that is a lot of trouble for very little benefit. I am sure there is a way to do audio and flash but I don't know it. There are a probably a couple more. That is all I can think of right now. This is probably enough to make you quit.

In a future version of Lectora ... maybe. Right now, no. All image files (including animations and flash) are published to the "images" folder. All document objects get published to "files" folder. All video/audio go to a "media" folder.Tim V

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