radio buttons and checkboxes
July 15, 2005 12:00 AM
When creating some multiple choice quizzes which I've copied out of Word, some of the questions use "radio buttons" for their selections and the next question may be using "checkboxes". There seems to be no rhyme or reason to which they use.I go into Dreamweaver and access source code and change the checkboxes to "radio buttons" and sure enough, that fixes things. But any time I go and publish from publisher 4.1, they revert to what they were previously.Is there something in Publisher that determines which item they will be using - checkboxes or radio buttons? Now, it's not like each question within a quiz has an assortment of BOTH checkboxes and radio buttons - each question is either one or the other, it's just that, throughout each test it is a hodge podge. What am i doing wrong here?Many thanks -Kevin
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