SCORM & SCORM Packaging.

I had someone ask me if a course I created via Publisher 4.1 was a "SCORM Course" or a "SCORM Packaged Course". From what I've read, the SCORM model consists of three parts:1: SCORM RTE (Run Time Environment) Functions or Commands that are placed inside elearning materials so as to submit information to an LMS or get info from the LMS as the course is being "Run" by a learner.2: SCORM Metadata This information may include: author's name, catalog information, tech requirements for running the course, etc...3: SCORM Packaging Profile The packaging spec defines how a collection of content can be packaged together with its pieces, its metadata for each piece, and a nav scheme to use to aggregate the pieces when they are "run" by a learner.So I guess my question is, how does Publisher 4.1 make publish a course as "SCORM"? Is it a SCORM Packaging profile, or does it depend on how it is deployed on a server?By the way, much of the info from this post was obtained from an excellent pdf from and found via "google".Many thanks -KevinEdited By: kstagg on 38373.6578125

Discussion (1)

If you publish to SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004, you get a SCORM packaged course (basically a zip file with all the content and the associated IMSManifest and supporting XML files that describe the content).If you publish to SCORM 1.0 or SCORM 1.1, you get a SCORM course (the same info above ... it's just not automatically zipped for you).The difference is how the respective LMS expects to find the content.Tim V

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