"Answer all questions" not working...

So if their passing score is given to them on the scorecard and then, upon pressing "OK" on same, they are directed to the corresponsing "you have passed" or "you have failed" page, theoretically I could put the onShow actions to reset their variable answers to "" on both those pages, correct?If I had 20 questions (listed choronologically from "Question_0001" thru "Question_0020") I would create an onShow command similar to the following:Action Name: reset_Question001_0On: ShowAction: Modify VariableTarget: Question_0001Value: ""Modification Type: Set Variable Contents...and then click OK, repeating the actions above for each of the 20 questions and just changing the action name and target info for each?Thank you for your continued assistance.KevinEdited By: kstagg on 38533.7678587963

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