Further customization of scorecard..
August 4, 2005 12:00 AM
Tim - That works like a champ! I don't have to skip through the subsequent pages to get my score!The way I see it, the formula to limit the number of attempts to two for each quesiton as you mention above, I'd have to do the following:For each question I'd have to (using question 1 as an example):Set an initial value of "0" for variable assigned to each question (for question 1, the variable could be called limit_question1)Create an action modifying limit_question1 "On Show" to change value to "1" (as I think if I made it to "On Mouse Click" – if they changed their selection while on the page for the first time, it could count as twice)Now while I feel the actions above would count the number of times the question has been answered, not sure how I could actually limit the number of tries to two (that is - limiting limit_question1 to a value of 2).Thanks Tim -KevinEdited By: kstagg on 38576.484375
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