SCORM tracking without quizzes...

I've been tasked with uploading a course to a SCORM-compliant LMS and after uploading several with some success recently, I've come upon a stumbling block.I have a course which doesn't have any quizzes of any sort and so when I try to use Publisher 4.1 to scorm-publish, I'm given the following warning:"This course is missing a scored test or a modify variable for either AICC_Lesson or AICC_Score. You must have at least one of these items somewhere in a course for AICC/SCORM compliance. This is how the course can be set as completed within the Learning Management System.""BEFORE YOU CAN PUBLISH THIS TITLE TO AICC, YOU MUST CORRECT ALL THE ERRORS DISPLAYED IN RED."Is it simply a matter of putting a variable on the first page and a variable on the final page to make this work to make it SCORM-compliant?Thanks -Kevin

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