Please improve warnings
May 22, 2019 12:00 AM
Situation: I build something with an audio file and add a lot of "On: Done Playing" actions to it. Later on I change my mind, create an action group and drag all actions from the audio object to the group:
Lectora kindly informs me that "On: Done playing" triggers are not supported for group actions. Of course I know that Warnings can be ignored, but it doesn't make me feel good to receive 236 warnings (in one of my courses) and I tend to overlook more important aspects.
In the German translation it seems to be worse, because the warnings are displayed in red and counted as errors.
Lectora still warns me that "Audio / Video events only work in Internet Explorer". Although it has always been there, it may be the right time to remove this. It may have been true for JW Player (for me events have always worked in all browsers) but the mediaelements.js documentation does not support this warning.

Discussion (3)
When you move an action into a group it should update the trigger for you, and not warn you I will write up an issue for this.
I cannot reproduce the issue where it warns that “Audio / Video events only work in Internet Explorer”, but we will look for that too, seems like that would only be for a specific type, maybe for wmv?
Thanks for reporting these.
I'm using mp4s but the warning appears during publication not during error check, 1 for each events. I have titles that throw more than 300 warnings ...
It's not like I didn't want warnings but these two types are completely unnecessary. The action groups do work flawlessly and the events fire consistently in any browser.
Back in 2016 I mentioned this to your developers, and I have also posted it here. We eLearning creators do not need hundreds of lines of the form:
Publishing Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/a001_post_test_studenthasfailed.html
Rendered Exit after recording into Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/h
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Publishing Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/a001_post_test_exiti
Publishing Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/a001_popups_replay_b
Publishing Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/a001_popups_go_home_
Rendered No into Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/images/button4
Rendered No into C:/Users/finkca/Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/htm
Rendered Yes into Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/images/button
Rendered Yes into C:/Users/finkca/Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/ht
Publishing Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/a001_popups_help_pag
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-player.css
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/trivantisplayer.
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-mep.min.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/trivantismep.
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/flashmedia
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/silverligh
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/media/blank.mp4
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/control-de
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/MediaPlayer/trivantisskin-
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis.css
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-focus.css
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-pageplayer.j
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-opautils.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-timedate.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-cookie.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-results.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-button.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-image.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-inline.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-media.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-text.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-trans.js
Creating Documents/temp/Lectora File - Vintage_Pipe_Test_REV1/html/trivantis-titlemgr.js
(The above is only a fraction of the actual output from printing one very short course, consisting mostly of a 20-question test.)
Note that all those Creating Documents ... lines are the same literally every time one publishes. They have zero informational value. Mind you, the ones that just boil down to "I converted an image into a different format" are also surprisingly useless to anyone.
What that giant string of zero-information fluff does is make it hard to locate any actual warnings or errors.
Suppress it. If you will need it for debugging (although this never actually happens), have a checkbox so I can turn it on when Support requests it.
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