Problems with Browsers and Variables

Dear Forum,

I've built a lot of titles / pages where images are shown and sound files are played depending on a number of variables.

It worked as it should in Firefox 3.6.16

Since I upraded to Firefox 4 it doesn't work any more. The variables are modified as they should be but the reactions to a modification (e.g. Show Image) are not performed any more. I kept Firefox 3.6.16 but now it's not working in that version either.

Everything's fine in Lectora Preview but as I don't have a Browser left to test it in real life (no luck with IE8), I feel a little uncertain to deliver a product I haven't tested.

I suppose this is not a Lectora problem... or is it?

Is somebody out there who can give me a hint which browser settings I have to adjust to make it run?

Thanks in advance


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