Action on a Customized Test Results page

Hi community,

isn't possible to use actions on a customized test results page?

I want to do the following:

On my test results page there's the button that links back to the question. I want this button to be visible only if the question is answered incorrectly. So I've added an action to the button that says

On: Show

Action: Hide

Target: This object

Condition: Only if the respective question "is correct".

After publishing to html this works so far that the buttons are hidden. But those buttons that are visible, because their questions have been answered incorrectly are not staying in their position but are placed somewhere near the head of the page. I've tried to work around this by putting a white image over the buttons that is shown only if the answer is correct with the same result.

Seems like a bug to me or am I not supposed to put any actions on the page?

Thanks Tim

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