New Warning: You have more than 25 audio / video objects

During error check, there's a new warning coming up that I've never seen before:

"You have more than 25 audio/video objects that require special handling for mobile device. Some of them may not work properly. See the Help for details."

I've seen the Help, but I cannot find anything helpful.

What does this warning mean? The actual number of audio/video objects in my course is 0.

Discussion (3)

@timk I'll put that info into the bug, thanks for the reply

Hi @timk, the message was for titles with more than 25 audio/video files but I recently noticed that I would see it if my title had a Likert question with 5 choices.

Does your title have a Likert? If not, would it be possible to get a copy of your title so we can see what else is causing this message?

Hi @tea

thanks for your reply. There's no Likert question in the course. I can't share it because it is for the customer of a customers' customer ... "more than 25 NDAs that require special handling". And that's not a blue warning that may be ignored ;-)

I get the warning two times:

First is related to a group that contains 27 shapes. When I remove two of them the warning's gone.

The other one is about a group with 29 actions. With 4 less there's no warning.

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