RCD v18

When I open my responsive course with a Samsung Galaxy Tab S in Portrait mode, the course itself is displayed "Tablet Landscape". When I rotate the device to Landscape, the view changes to "Tablet Portrait". It's alright when I start holding the device landscape-style.

Discussion (15)

@timk I'll see if I can recreate this. Are you published to HTML or SCORM? Do you have any of the scaling options set under Publish Content of the HTML Options?

I started in portrait, and it loads portrait. I also started in landscape and that loads correctly each time as well.

But I am on a Galaxy Tab4

Here you are, but as I said it's one textfield only.

Sorry, the question may read stupid: Did you hold the tablet upright when you opened the course? Because the error does not occur when I start landscape.


I just tried the text block with CurrentView, and that is working OK for me also

With a Samsung Galaxy Tab 4, running from Scorm Cloud and from HTML I am not seeing this error. I can try again once I get the publishing options.

I publish to HTML with "Disable browser resize ..." and the following two checked. Are these relevant for mobile devices? But I just checked and the error occurs without it also. "Scale content to fill mobile device view" is unchecked. It happens both Seamless and not. Maybe it's me or my tablet?

Do you see this error?


Hm, on my iPad 3 it works ...

It's a Samsung Galaxy Tab S T800

Android 6.0.1

Chrome 78.0.3904.90

Thank you very much for your effort.

Are you Chrome? Which Galaxy model are you using? I'll try with BrowserStack also, but checking with people here to see who may have a different tablet for me to try

I published to HTML with and without the options set, I don't see the error on my tablet. Can we get a copy of your title?

The same error occurs when I publish a one-page course with nothing in it but a textfield displaying "CurrentView".

Tim, do you have any older titles that worked on your Samsung, that are already published and available? I'm trying to narrow down if it was something we changed with v18.2.1 that's causing this. I haven't recreated this yet, but I'll be trying this morning.

I just checked a course running in moodle, that has been built about 2 years ago with 17.0.6. I'm sure it was working alright (with that same device) when I built it, but now it also starts landscape. Seems like it's either device- or Androidversion-related ... All browsers on this tablet handle it the same, it's not just Chrome.

Thanks, can you please also point them to the issue with the images not displaying?

Hey Tim, I opened a bug to track this and make dev aware. Since it seems device/Android version related I'm not sure if dev will be able to do much though.

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