Error when publishing to ReviewLink
September 28, 2016 12:00 AM
I'm having some problems when publishing to ReviewLink. Lectora won't let me upload the file and states it was too big (see screenshot). The file size of the ZIP is 14895 KB, so that shouldn't be too much. The advise to "remove some resources" might be helpful, although there are no unused resources in the title, and I can't just remove content ;-) This file is the 10th translation of a course and ReviewLink has accepted all prior languages without issues. All these versions are (more or less) same size.
What else may be the reason for this error?

Discussion (3)
it turned out that I had a special character in the file name of the AWT that I had overlooked. Removing that symbol solved the error, although it didn't reduce the size of the file.
Not sure this will work for your issue, but I often have issues uploading to ReviewLink. I was told by Trivantis to delete the "Review" folder that is auto-created when you publish and then export to ReviewLink. I have to delete that folder prior to publishing every time or I get an error. Hope that helps.
Hi Windy,
thanks for the tip, it's good to know. For me the issue was solved by removing the special character "ł" from the file name of the AWT.
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