
Available Triggers (v16.1.2)

On: Show

Available for: Page, Objects

Not available for: --


On page level: Action is triggered when the page is loaded

On Object: Action is triggered when the object is shown, for initially visible objects, it's triggered when the page is loaded

On: Hide

Available for: Page, Objects

Not available for: --


On page level: Action is triggered when the page is unloaded

On object: Action is triggered when the object is hidden with a "Hide" action.

On: Page show

Available for: Objects

Not available for: Page


Action is triggered when the page is loaded. Allows to attach actions, that are related to an object to that object, instead of adding all actions on page level. It's not available for the page itself, as it does the same as an On:Show action on page level. Still "On: Page show" actions are run before "On: Show" actions on page level.

On: Device Rotation

Available for: Page, Objects

Not available for: --


The action is triggered when the mobile device is rotated. For objects it's similar to an "On: Page show" action to sort actions to the respective object, as you couldn't rotate the device for a single object only.

On: Keystroke

Available for: Page

Not available for: Objects

Description: Action is triggered each time the user presses the named Key. It's not available for objects because you couldn't press "Enter" for an image only.

On: Any Key

Available for: Page

Not available for: Objects

Description: Action is triggered when the user presses any key.

On: Screen Swipe Left / Right

Available for: Page

Not available for: Objects

Description: Action is triggered when the user swipes over the screen in the respective direction. Cannot be used for a single object only.

On: Timed interval

Available for: Page

Not availabe for: Objects

Description: Action is triggered every nth second, with n being the time defined in the "Interval" field.

On: Click

Available for: Images, Shapes, Buttons, Textfields

Not available for: Page, Other objects

Description: Action is triggered when the user clicks or touches the object. Only triggers when the text in a textfield is clicked, not when clicking other areas of the textfield.

On: Mouse Enter

Available for: Images, Shapes, Buttons

Not available for: Page, Other objects

Description: Action is triggerd when the user moves the mouse over the object. So it's not applicable on mobile devices.

On: Mouse Exit

Available for: Images, Shapes, Buttons

Not available for: Page, Other objects

Description: Action is triggerd when the mouse leaves the object. So it's not applicable on mobile devices.

On: Right Mouse Click

Available for: Images, Shapes, Buttons, Textfields

Not available for: Page, Other objects

Description: Action is triggerd when the user clicks the object with the right mouse button. So it's not applicable on mobile devices.

On: Select / Change

Available for: Form elements

Not availabe for: Page, Other objects


Radio Buttons: Action is triggered when the button is selected. Not triggered when unselected (by selecting another radio button)

Checkboxes: Action is triggered when the checkbox is checked or unchecked.

Input field: Action is triggered when the user enters text, on each Keystroke. Not triggered when the user clicks / selects the input field.

Drop Down: Action is triggered when the user selects a (new) option. Not triggered when the menu is opened, not triggered when the user selects the same option.

On: Done Playing

Available for: Video, Audio, Timer object, (Flash animations)

Not availabe for: Page, other objects

Description: Action is triggered when the media file is finished playing or when the timer reaches its limit. Although it's available for SWFs, it won't work.

On: Event

Available for: Video, Audio

Not availabe for: Page, other objects

Description: Action is triggered once when the current time of the media file is greater than the event timing.

On: Process question

Available for: Questions

Not availabe for: anything else

Description: Actions defined in the "Feedback" section of the question are triggered with a "Process question" action

On: Immediately

Available for: Questions

Not availabe for: anything else

Description: Actions defined in the "Feedback" section of the question are triggered when the question is changed.

Multiple Choice: Action is triggered when the user selects an answer

Multiple Response: Action is triggered when the user checks the nth answer with n equal to the number of correct answers.

Fill in the Blank: Action is triggered when the user clicks anywhere / unselects the Input field

Drag and Drop: Action is triggered when the user drops the nth drag item, with n equal to the number of correctly droppable items.

Rank / Sequence: Action is triggered when the last drop down menu has been changed

Matching: Action is triggered when the nth pair has been matched, with n equal to the number of correctly matchable pairs

Discussion (16)

Nice! Thanks Tim :)

You can do more or less anything, by adding suitable ActionScript to the SWF itself. It may be possible to use "On: Timed Interval" actions listening for specific changes in the SWF, but it depends on how the SWF was programmed.

How can I get around the problem of not being able to use the "on done playing" for a flash?

We're trying to use some out-of-house flash units inside our course and

I need to "show" page navigation controls once the flash has run but not before.



The problem is that the Flash is not ours, it is from a 3rd party. I can't go in and change anything because I don't have the source, and I can't re-do it in HTML5 for the same reason.

I have to use it as it comes undefined

In fact Flash aint needed for much anymore. All you do in Flash you can do in HTML5 with CSS and Javascript animation. Depending on your coding style in Actionscript the step from Actionscript programming to Javascript in Lectora is easy. Me myself was a Flash actionscript programmer/designer/animator in the ancient past.

A few options you got Jana. You can offcourse ask the third party to add the needed script so it works as needed. I am not sure about agreements you have with the third party, but for me it is very common practive to deliver sources too when a job is done. Actually the most contracts i see for freelancers its written down in it black on white. Then you have still a few other options. You could import/run the swf you have from a new fla/swf. In that one you can add any code you need and do as you please. And then there is the option of decompiling the existing swf. Tools like and do quite a good job on decompiling swf of which you dont have any sources.

Last option, and i do think its the best one. Rebuild the thing in HTML5 and javascript. Actually to convince you thats the best way to go. Send over the swf, and i will rebuild it for you in HTML5 / javascript.

Kind regards,


Here is the file I'm using to test with. It is one of twenty-odd that one of our departments wants to use.

I'm going to try importing it as you suggested and see if that works. Then I'll be learning to manipulate flash - we've not used it (or any video-type media) due to bandwidth issues crossing to Asia and Europe.

Thanks for your help!


No file attached Jana. If you want me to check upon it, a .swf would be nice.



Why can't you use on done playing with an embedded swf? It seems to work ok in the attached.

On another note, are these just animations or do they contain interactive content? In other words, can you convert them to videos with something like Camtasia?


Post a swf if you can.

Sounds like we're just stuck since the SWFs are all like this. I can only recommend that the department create their own if they want the On Done Playing trigger to work.

Thanks to everyone for their help and explanations!

I'll have to see if that department can get in touch with the 3rd party. I'm just trying to help them out. Right now, I just have to assume they'll not goto the next page until the video is done. Usually, I don't show the button until everything is finished. They want to use these videos because they're free, and ya get what ya pay for, I guess.

I appreciate all the help! Sorry it took so long to get back, I've been a bit under the weather for a while.



That's not an option for us :( It's a 3rd party SWF and we can't take it apart.

I don't know why it doesn't work, but it doesn't. When I use that trigger, nothing happens :(

The system won't let me attach a SWF file - I'm going to zip it to see if that works.


The difference is that Darrels animation plays on the main timeline, while your Captivate swf contains several movieclips. If at all, Lectora has only ever been able to monitor the main timeline. For me the On: Done playing action only fires in FF and Chrome, but not in IE.

He needs to decompile the swf back to an FLA then add an externalInterface call at the end of the movie.

If a third party delivers it and its no good..they should fix it, or give you the sources to do it yourself !

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