ReviewLink - Reviewers and Attachments


I've recently started using ReviewLink.

Most of my Reviewers have email-adresses in the way and ReviewLink correctly deduces the name from the email. One of my reviewers has a different email adress and ReviewLink puts the email adress in the name field. I'd like to edit the field to the proper name, but ReviewLink won't let me. Is there a way to do that?

What's the file size limit for attachments to comments? Can it be used to enable the reviewers to provide me with larger files, e.g. a collection of images for the next version?



Discussion (6)

Actually - i tell a lie. I can't do that. (well - i can but only on a brand new reviewer account).


Thanks, my reviewers can attach files alright, I was wondering whether it's possible to attach (let's say) a 500 MB zip.


Did you add the reviewers in Lectora? I add my reviewers directly in ReviewLink and it lets you edit their name ok if done there. You should still be able to edit this though so I guess it's a bug.

No idea about file size limits but i've never had anyone say they weren't able to attach something.

Hi Jim,

thanks for the info, I swear I didn't know it was 500 MB ;-)


Hi Tim!

The maximum file size you can upload as an attachment is 500 MB.

And to answer your other question, reviewers can update their name via the Account Setting dialog once they login.

Thanks for using ReviewLink!


Are you sure it's 500MB? I tested ReviewLink from the reviewers side and I wasn't able to upload zips larger than 350MB.

Thanks Tim

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