RCD Reset Overrides

Currently Lectora somehow calculates size and position of objects for the different views. This is sometimes surprising esp. as Lectora will resize textfields but doesn't change the font-size, so the textfields are too small to display the text.

Now, on most of my pages I want my objects to have the original size, I'll then reposition them to fit on the smaller page for phone views or Tablet portrait. The problem is that I have to resize all objects back to the original (Desktop) dimensions, three times.

My suggestion would be to insert a button "Reset to original size / position". I know I can "Reset Overrides" but that will reset the object to the size and position Lectora has calculated for this view and that is rarely what I want. In fact I've never used this button, but for testing what it does.

Another way to achieve that could be a checkbox for each object "Don't resize / reposition for alternative views".

Thanks Tim

Discussion (1)

I've submitted your suggestion to our development team. Thanks!

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