Not Implemented Error

Sory Kevin ... I'vbe been swamped and haven't watched the forums in a few days.To your posts ... yes, that's exactly what I'm saying. A SCORM published title using Saba Publisher if you include interactions will NOT work properly on a competing LMS unless you publish to SCORM 2003 (which finally supports the text parameter for interactions). Whether the non-Saba LMS reports the "not implemented error" or not is up to tht LMS. Actually, I would think a "not implemented" error would be if they didn't support interactions at all ... instead of just an extension ... I would have expected to see a "data model" error.To your second post:No hiccups in publishing a Saba Publisher created title using a later version of Lectora. If Lectora couldn't handle the title ... you would have gotten erros when you tried to open the title. Yopu don't have to recreate interactions ... they are genereated by the content at runtime.As an aside ... if you ever have to go backwards (say from a Lectora 2005 title to a Saba Publisher 4.1 title) ... if the product you're running iossues errors when opening the title ... go back to the product that generated the title, export the course to XML ... go to the older product ... and import the XML. All of the newerr "unsupported" stuff will not get imported, and the title basics will still be there.Tim

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