Are Popup Windows - SCORM compliant?

Here's the problem with that though. I have multiple sections within the site that rquire popup windows. Through user acceptance testing, we have found that if we don't give each popup window a unique name, and if they forget to close a popup window - they do not realize their new popup window opens up in the one they forgot to close. I need to have each popup link open up in its own individual window. One reason is due to sizing of the material within each window. Some are smaller than others. Are you with me?But, if I read the previous post correctly, I can give each popup window a unique name within the code (actionscript or otherwise): (ex: 'Trivantis_Popup_1, 'Trivantis_Popup_2', 'Trivantis_Popup_3', etc...') - is that correct?If the latter is correct - what is it that the code is looking for - just the "Trivantis_Popup..." prefix?Do I need to have the launch code within the button have the same name for the popup window as the popup window page itself?Thanks again -Kevin Edited By: kstagg on 38586.4677893519

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