Navigate to Last Viewed Page

Hi all!

We have a course in which we checked the "Prompt the user to navigate to the last viewed page" box. However each time we go back into the course we are taken to page one with no option of picking up where we left off.

It has worked on many courses many times before.

What would cause this to happen and how can it be fixed?


Discussion (5)

I've experienced this as well. I thought it was a bug that was resolved in a prior release. Which version are you using?

I currently have 17.1.

We believe we got it working by unchecking the box for 'Seemless Play' along with some variable/action adjustments.

So, not sure if that was the fix or if it was an LMS or browser issue.

Maybe open it in another version of Lectora and republish, see if that makes a difference?

Seamless Play is seriously broken for something that was released so long ago, frankly. Glad you solved it.

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