How far did the learner get?

Lectorians! Lend me your ears!

And brain.

I have an assessment that is 50 questions, with checkpoint pages along the way at 25%, 50%, and 75%.

Is there a way that I see *how far* into the assessment the learner gets in the event they don't make it to the end (i.e. power/internet outage; they accidentally close it before getting all the way through; etc)?

For example, if they get to the 48th question and accidentally close it, I will at least know they made it to the 75% mark.

Discussion (8)

You could just give them a score on those pages, e.g.

25% = 1

50% = 3

75% = 5

When they do reach the end of the test and it's processed the score will be overwritten with the assessment score. If they don't you'll know, a score of 1 means: after checkpoint page 1 but before page 2.

1, 3, and 5 are scores that you couldn't reach through the test as each question is worth 2%.

Thanks Tim. I tried that. At least I thought I did.

The issue I ran into is that after the 25% mark for example, I changed the score to 25 and it submitted it, therefore taking me to the last page with a 'completed' test and a score of 25%.

So I tried again, this time I just changed the test score variable (set to 25), which works, but if the course is closed before getting to the end (where the 'real' score is submitted), nothing is submitted so I have no idea how far the learner got as it just shows 'incomplete.'

I'm open to any ideas!

Then you need to pass some data to either GoogleDocs or some database before the normal submission process.

I often use a realtime database like Firebase to send ( and read ) data. Using this or Googledocs you decide when to send what data... and thus you can send progress even if the course is ended early.

In fact submitting a score to a LMS earlier would work too..not sure whether Lectora or your LMS will allow though.

I wouldn't use the Test_Score variable, but AICC_Score directly. As Joe Wieloch mentioned in another thread, an action to modify AICC_Score also sends the value to the LMS immediately. I tested it in moodle and it worked alright.

And with that, all is well!

Thank you gentlemen.

What about tracking the page name they left off on?

By the way: If you used 4 Tests instead of 4 sections in the same test, you would have a separate score for each of the quarters, and you could set AICC_Score to the actual score a user achieved in part 1 instead of setting it to 25. Part 1 could direct the user to Part 2 "On: Passed" and "On: Failed" and they wouldn't know they've changed the test. The only difference would be that they couldn't go back to the part 1 once it has been processed and they've entered part 2.

That thought had crossed my mind, however, the pages within the sections are randomized so the 25, 50, and 75 marks will suffice.

Appreciate the input.

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