Not Able to Preview Course

Anyone ever have a course that would not preview using the Run, Preview, or Browser options? Run and Preview give me a white screen, while the browsers give me a 404 error (on multiple machines).

It must be the course because other courses, created before/after, preview just fine.

Discussion (6)

I have that regularly..., many times because the page contains a media file and is still open for preview in another browser window, so the new preview cannot overwrite the media file.

Nope...on this one it happens even if we open the file and go straight to Run/Preview/Browser, and there are only text and pictures in the file so far. We even tried it on another computer and it did this on the first try.

HOWEVER, I opened a brand new file and copied all of the content over and it worked fine. In Run/Preview/Browser and on multiple machines.

So it's fixed, but it is odd at the same time (and I'm just trying to figure out why it did what it did).

Sounds like it might be a cache issue (or JS). If this happens on a browser preview try to reload bypassing your cache.

Out of curiosity, are you using meta tags for anything in these projects?

Interesting...I had the user reinstall Lectora so we shall see.

Thanks Tim!

Appreciate the suggestion of bypassing the cache (I didn't even know that was a thing!)...I'll have to try it.

There is no meta tags (I'm training a newbie - we haven't got that far yet). At this point it is a very basic course.

It has been my impression also that it happens more often, after it has happened for the 1st time. Maybe the folder to that Lectora publishes the preview somehow gets corrupted.

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