Page Name / Error Creating File

Is there a maximum number of characters that can be in a page name?

I'm getting an "Error Creating File" error message when attempting to publish to SCORM. The course has been published with success before, however I have this issue with the new or previous version.

Using previous forum posts as a reference I decided to shorten some page names and the number of errors returned went down. Short of contacting Trivantis I wanted to see if others have experienced this or if it was just me. I'm also open to a different cause/solution.

Discussion (3)

In my experience, there is. And, as pages are titled by their location within a course (CourseName>ChapterName>SectionName>PageName), the longer the name of any chapter or section, the longer the name of the page. Unless necessary, you can publish short to short ID-based names which create a unique number for each page.

Also, avoid periods at the end of page titles in Title Explorer (e.g., U.S.). Lectora will publish it, but the published file name (if you're not using short-ID names) will not be recognized by most browsers/LMSs because of the two periods separating the page name and the file extension. Something else that used to work, but not anymore.

This was most useful. Many thanks!

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