Review Link and Storyline

Hi all. Just wanted to throw this out there to see if anyone else was running into this.

My coworker put a course in Review Link that was built with Storyline. The issue I run into is that when I am in Review Link and enter a comment the 'New Comment' button then fades and doesn't come back. I can't enter another comment.

I've continued to the next page in the course thinking I could only enter one comment per page, but no, I have to refresh, which starts the course over again.

Discussion (7)

Clarification, if you just collapse and expand the comment window pane the New Comment button should get re-enabled.

Yes. In fact, it works in Review Link, however if I leave a comment I am not able to leave another unless I go out of the course and come back in (which brings me to the first page of the course in this instance). So for me to leave four comments I would have to start the course four different times.

3.0 I believe. How can I check to be sure?


Does the course work outside of ReviewLink?

I remember a similiar issue being reported previously but I could of swore it got fixed. What version of ReviewLink are you running?

I forgot that ReviewLink automatically updates so you should be on 3.1. Apparently it's a known issue for the current version when using Internet Explorer. The developers will be looking at publishing a fix and in the mean time they have a work around. I was told that if you resize the browser window or minimize/maximize the window the New comment button is enabled again. Can you confirm that works?

Through a lot of opening/closing/minimizing/reopening it seems to be working (all of this is in Chrome). I should have a new course to add to Review Link soon so I can check it again with new material.

Thanks all!

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