Apple Issues
December 20, 2016 12:00 AM
A course of ours that has video is randomly displaying a gray circle (pictures attached) in the center of the screen when we test it on Apple products (iPhone & iPad). It doesn't show on desktop or Android views, nor does it have an action (originally I thought it was an image, but it is not). Anyone know what is causing this?

Discussion (3)
It's exactly in the place where you'd expect the play button and the color matches the striked-through button that iOS shows when it can't play the video due to codec issues. Maybe there's some kind of conflict between iOS and the exact mp4-formatting. Is the video playing?
I do think its related to the videoplayer on Apple. In version 16.0.2 before the new mediaplayer was introduced in Lectora i had a html5 mediaplayer instead of the Lectora one. That one had the grey circle on Apple devices when you made the playbutton transparant. Autoplay wasnot available yet.
If you put a sample online i see if i can hide it.
Kind regards,
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