Windows 10 and Multiple Monitors

Hi - I have recently been upgraded to a new work laptop that I use a docking station to span out to 2 monitors and laptop screen for 3 screens total.

Whenever I try to expand or maximize my Lectora v19 and v21 applications it overlaps on the screen immediate to the right - see attached files for examples.

Discussion (3)

I solved my own problem. For those who encounter the same problem as I have, it all revolves around your primary monitor setting in Windows. I originally had my laptop monitor as my primary and once I adjusted it to one of my two external monitors then the problem resolved itself.

This bugs me endlessly (pun intended), because I reported the problem back in 2016 directly to one of the developers (at a Trivantis event in Florida), and they still haven't fixed it.

@andrew-robertson and @CarlJFink thank you for bringing this back to our attention. We have an open ticket on this now and will be looking into it