Lectora 19: Window Keeps Appearing

Hi - is there a way to stop the window below from appearing every so often? I continually have to minimize it.

Discussion (5)

The Timeline window will normally stay closed, unless Lectora is maximized. Then it appears, seemingly at random times. The next release of Lectora adds more functionality to this feature, including the ability to make it disappear completely. The workaround is too not use the maximize function and manually make your Lectora window as large as you want.

How long before this is patched? The window comes up constantly. I'm minimizing it every 10 seconds. And that's not an exaggeration. It's making using the product nearly impossible. I'm always minimizing just to have it come back up. It's like herpes. This is a major problem.

What they said.... (nice visual btw).

How long before this is patched? The window comes up constantly. I'm minimizing it every 10 seconds. And that's not an exaggeration. It's making using the product nearly impossible. I'm always minimizing just to have it come back up. It's like herpes. This is a major problem.

Thank you tasiala.

We're currently working to get out a maintenance release, that is one of the items we will be addressing