Audio Control Feature

Hello - this is a two part request.

1) Would it possible to provide an action that would allow us to control the set volume of a file similar to how we can control the play, pause, stop of audio/video files.

2) The ability to get the exact time when the file/video playback is stopped - eg. if the user clicks stop at 0:17.42, we get that time exact time stamp.

Discussion (4)

Bingo. That's exactly what I was hoping to get so that if we wanted to start the audio/video clip on another page we can start at the spot the user left at.

Thanks for getting me over that hump.

I was thinking it would be useful in another way--an Action on the same page could check how far along someone was in watching the video.

What do you mean by "get"? Do you want the stop time stored as a reserved variable, for instance?

Bingo. That's exactly what I was hoping to get so that if we wanted to start the audio/video clip on another page we can start at the spot the user left at.

Thanks for getting me over that hump.

I was thinking it would be useful in another way--an Action on the same page could check how far along someone was in watching the video.

Hmm.. Never thought of that, but I think it'd be strongly useful too.