Initializing Error Check : Issues

Ok. I have a situation where I put the OnShowHide next btn action at my chapter level so that every page runs that action to hide the next button when the page is loaded. It works fine, but I decided to not inherit the next button for the last page which now throws the 4 errors as you can see in the attached image.

The reason I have 4 is because I setup a developer mode which can be enabled to stop the animations from playing for the next button to quick skirt through the module without having to wait.

I know I can work around this by simply allowing the page to inherit the next button and using a hide/show action to keep it off the screen. Would this be considered a bug?

Discussion (3)

When you disinherit the next button, you also need to disinherit the action that is trying to apply to the next button. Did you do that, or just disinherit the button?

I just disinherited the button. Thanks for that detail. I will apply it to the action as well on Monday.

I tried it out and it worked. Thank you Adam.