Will Single Long Page Scrolling Format options be available for Lectora Online?

I am waiting for my company to update our Lectora version to 21. I sold them on CenarioVR as well.

We have several different types of training needs from our course catalog. One is converting one page safety bulletins into a quick "microlearning" that can be tracked through the LMS. I briefly experimented with Rise360. While it customization was extremely limited, it did produce very fluid single, scrollable, long-page courses. This format was well received by employees and management. There is no comparison between Lectora and Rise360 in terms of capabilities. However, in this one specific specialty area, Lectora does not produce a smooth experience. It read in a recent article this has been addressed in Lectora Desktop 21 about fading variables as objects are scrolled in and maintaining a stationary side bare option.

The feedback is overwhelming from employees that this minimalist format is increasing the retention of material.

Discussion (1)

Hey, @azsafety - we're excited to see CenarioVR join your list of authoring tools in your company! Regarding the smooth scrolling experience - we do have long-page scrolling course example on our Product Showcase page on the website. Check it out! It's the Introduction to Gardening sample.