
Error Trying to Insert Images

I was working a class, and everything going well. Now all of a sudden, I can not insert images. I have tried several type gif, jpg, png. All optimized in size. Upon trying to insert the image it loads for a long time and then produces a repository error. I did all the typical troubleshooting: restarting computer cleared the cashe, restarted Lectora online, and tried inserting images I have already inserted on other pages. Is there some type of fix for this?


Hi. I just wanted to provide an update just case anyone else runs into this issue. The problem seems to have been temporary. It lasted about an hour. For no specific reason other than checking back and trying again, the problem went away. Hopefully if it ever happens to you, hang in there.

Discussion (1)

Hi. I just wanted to provide an update just case anyone else runs into this issue. The problem seems to have been temporary. It lasted about an hour. For no specific reason other than checking back and trying again, the problem went away. Hopefully if it ever happens to you, hang in there.