New Table of Contents Question
February 1, 2018 12:00 AM
Hello everyone. I titled this question "new" because I have seen several other questions related to this issue. However, I'm hoping this may be a way to accomplish it in a streamlined format.
I really like the Table of Contents feature. It makes designing the course easy and employees have responded well to the navigation aspect. It provides an easy way to navigate the course, and status indicators help track it. However, as other have stated it also allows them to skip content.
It would be great if it could show itself like normal, but not allow users to skip ahead. The solutions have proved a little buggy, and creating a menu does not have the feel of TOC.
Perhaps this question is more appropriate for the suggestion forum, but I'm hoping someone may have an idea.
Is there a way to use the TOC, but have pages appear as they are visited. Status indicators would not be needed. SO it takes care of two features at the same time.
Thank you for any help.
Discussion (4)
Another approach that would seem to make sense is to add a transparent shape to which covers the TOC. The user has the option of viewing the TOC and closing it. The shape would be a part of the TOC Group.
However, if an action were created at the title page that toggled the shape off once viewed. The status indicator would be used as normal.
The variable I am creating is not working however.
I have attached the 3 different types of navigation tried within my organization. The linear type of navigation seems to be the easiest to increase the likelihood the user will received targeted content. The ability to go back to material already to review without having to click the back arrow multiple times was essential. In the first courses, I used the Home icon as a page for links for chapters. The links would appear as each chapter was completed. In the Example One attachment the links were represented as pull alarms. Example Two, Home was represented as a workshop and the chapter links were represented as the personal protective equipment the chapters described. Like the Fire Safety, they appeared as the chapters were completed. I think this approach may have been confusing. I sacrificed navigational effectiveness for trying to be visually stimulating.
In Example Three I used a side navigation. Instead of having a home page to use as a hub for chapter navigation, the webpage type navigation is used. This means the user could go to any chapter of the course at any time.
- As a side note the other challenge with this was incorporating flash games onto a page which were actually multiple pages. In this example I modified the ELearning Brothers Fishing Game to a Traffic Game where the user sends tickets to vehicles instead of a fishing hook to fish. As each question is completed that page number stays the same. The user is notified on the first page of such exercises.
Example Four the side navigation is used again. With the help of the Menu wizard in Lectora the user is able to go to specific pages within the chapter by hovering over the chapter. Status indicators show content already viewed. It also allows the viewer to go to any chapter at any time, as well as page. The evaluations that came in reflect a positive reaction to this approach.
Example Five shows the latest approach by using the Table of Contents as one of the two primary navigation methods. Status indicators show content already viewed. Again the response has been positive, but also an equal amount of concern. This approach gives the user the ability to go straight to the last page and take the final.
The method I want to incorporate, but still cant find a way that works involves the TOC. As the user goes to each page using a linear format the pages appear in the TOC. This prevents the user from skipping ahead and eliminates the need for a status indicator. I am completely lost on how to do this using the stock TOC option of Lectora.

Its always difficult to see a misspelling after a course has been released. Can I blame it on the testers? (Violent Intruder)
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