Global Audio Issue

I am looking to play different audio files on each page and give the user the option to mute/unmute the audio throughout the duration of the course. To this end, I've done the following:

Added each FLV audio file on every page - each is not visible and set to Auto Start.

I've created a variable named 'AudioToggle' with an initial value of ON.

I also have two global buttons: Audio On and Audio Off, neither of which are initially visible.

Also at the global level are two actions: one to show the Audio Off button if AudioToggle = oN; and one to show the Audio On button if AudioToggle = OFF.

When the Audio Off button is clicked, it mutes the FLV audio, hides the Audio Off button, shows the Audio On button, and modifies 'AudioToggle' to OFF.

When the Audio On button is clicked, it unmutes the FLV audio, hides the Audio On button, shows the Audio Off button, and modifies 'AudioToggle' to ON.


When the course starts, AudioToggle = On. This means that the Audio Off button will show and audio will be heard. If the student wishes to not hear the audio, they click the Audio Off button. This hides the Audio Off button, shows the Audio On button, and mutes the audio.

Therefore, on page 1 they can toggle the audio on/off throughout the duration of the page. When they go to the next page, their choice of having the audio on or off (muted) stays with them.

I am running into a problem when the student mutes the course, then moves to a new page. On the new page, the audio begins to play (muted) but when they click Audio On to unmute, the volume is down so low that it cannot be heard.

Any ideas?

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