ELearning Brothers Lectora Game Placement

Hello. I have had to say good bye to using the Flash based games ELearning Brothers provides. I loved using them as templates and would replace the images for custom themes. It made it a little easier for someone used to working with basic action script.

The Lectora Games section isn't as large or diverse. However, using them provides a skeleton for what appears to be a lot of work in the variable that make the games function. Like the Flash games I am able to replace the images for custom themes.

One challenge I'm running into is where the default placement is putting the file on the title. Unlike the Flash games you can't move all elements by simply selecting the main file. The elements have to be moved over as single parts. The time is takes to do that is counter productive. Does anyone know how to move the entire game over and resize it? None of this shows in properties.

Thank you.

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