YouTube CC Button

Hello again,

I've done some searching but cannot seem to find an answer. Is there a way to add the button to toggle closed captioning on and off when working with a YouTube video within Lectora Online?

For some reason the standard Lectora player removes the CC button for Youtube videos.


Discussion (3)

Lectora Online uses its own media player and currently doesn't support CC for YouTube videos.

As a workaround you can use HTML Extension object and embed the YouTube script which will use the YouTube player. This will have the CC button.

Steps to add HTML Extension for YouTube:

  • On go to the video you want and click on Share link.
  • Then click Embed button and copy the script.
  • In Lectora Online, Insert HTML Extension.
  • In Properties tab, keep Type as Other and click Edit button.
  • Paste the script you copied from the site.
  • Notice that there are "width" and "height" settings in the script. You can update these to change the video size.
  • Save and close. Note that HTML Extension does not work in Run Mode. So to preview you need to use either Page Preview or Publish then preview.

@raungnaing Thanks for the response. I just tried what you suggested and its all working except for the size. I have adjusted the numbers in the embed code and saved the html extension but it never changes.

Any thoughts?

@jvalley4735 This is kind of frustrating, is there any plan to work on getting the CC button to work when streaming a video through Youtube in Lectora Online? Does this function differently with Lectora Publisher/inspire?

I was able to get the workaround that @raungnaing suggested to work, but now its limiting some other functionality. Specifically, we were going to have an action - "On done playing" - "hide" the video. I can't seem to get that to work while using the HTML Extension because Lectora doesn't "know" that its a video.



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