508 Compliant Menu

Are all "menus" in Lectora Online non 508 compliant? Im trying to add a simple menu to my course. It does NOT include any drop downs and no matter what I do as soon as I add the menu I get the pop up alert that I have added a non 508 compliant item.

Please help!


Discussion (3)

To add to this, Trivantis says ... Lectora does NOT prevent you from including objects in your title that are not Section 508 or WCAG compliant, such as the menu object. The reason for this is that many designers will choose to include these objects for sighted learners, and simply branch around them to an "equivalent alternative" page for learners using assistive technology. For example, you might include a hot spot question for sighted learners, but present a different page with a multiple choice question to visually challenged learners.

p.s. If you would like to join the LAUG Open discussions, we meet once a month to discuss questions, accessibility topics etc. To join and receive more information, register at http://www.thelaug.org

Menus are not 508 compliant in Lectora Online or Lectora Desktop

Thanks for the answers! Christine, I will look into joining that group!

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