Rank and Sequence Question Not Grading

I have a module quiz/test that uses a rank and sequence question for students to label the parts of a cutting torch. I initially had it set up as a drag and drop, but because of 508 requirements, changed it to a drop down menu format to label each part. Attached is an image of the page.

When the quiz/test is graded, this question shows as not answered and therefore, incorrect.

Any thoughts or suggestions?



Discussion (1)

Hello Vicki,

Use variables. For this question you will have 12 variables. One for each drop down.

You can either score this as one question or 12 or score 1 point for each drop down. Your choice. For 1 question use T/F or for 12 questions you can use 12 T/F. Use "On select/change" action to modify the question variable to be either true or false depending on the correct answer chosen.

I would need to see how your Title Explorer pane is set up and if your properties are correct.

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