Lectora Popups and Generated Text

I have a course that I am converting to Spanish. There are a couple of Lectora generated popups that I need to change to Spanish, but have no idea where to find the file(s) to change.

The first thing I need to change is the popup used when you allow users to start the course/module where they left off. It currently states, "You have previously been in this lesson. To pick up where you left off, Click OK. To go to the beginning, click Cancel."

The second item is in the Lectora Test Results page. I need to change the language of the results (score and pass/fail).

To insure there is no confusion, I have the translations, I just don't know where in Lectora to make the changes to the text.

Thanks for any input and guidance!

Discussion (5)

These texts come from File undefined Publish Strings.

You should not replace the text directly in the table as this would edit the Default Set. Export the text, put your translations into the exported file, save it with a new name, e.g. "Spanish". Then "Add" a new Publish Strings Set, give it a name and "Import" the translated file to that set. Then you can switch between Default and Spanish.

Thank you Jason! I will keep an eye out for that and work with my LMS admin if I find LMS generated pop ups.

Tim and Amanda,

Thank you for your help! That was an easy fix once I knew where to go.

Much appreciated!

One caveat with the "You have already started this lesson..." dialogue is that the messages may be system or LMS generated. Something to think about if the Publish String options don't work. Unless, however, Lectora can override that, regardless of the LMS/system side language for dialogue boxes.

@vicki .. Exactly what Tim K has said, and then you just need to remember to change the publish strings you have selected before you publish (and then remember to change them again before publishing in another language).


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