Process Test Issue

Are test supposed to produce the "you've passed/you've failed" page when running in reviewlink or SCORMcloud? It works in run mode in Lectora but not when in reviewlink, scorm cloud OR when published as an html.

I'm using Lectora 19.4

Discussion (6)

How about the first tab for SCORM options - does it look like this?

@cainam I published the zip you edited and once in SCORM & html on the test results page I receive the error "Results must be on the final page in a test. No results to display." I have a screenshot of my publish settings.

Yes, the Results Page (what Lectora calls it) should always appear, no matter where the course is running.

I tested your zip file with the same results. I then tested this one I was editing earlier in SCORM cloud and it functioned as expected. Maybe something in your publish settings? can you publish this one out and test in SCORM cloud and see if this one works for you?

My first tab publish settings look like this @cainam

You are missing the first checkbox for the "THE PUBLISHED COURSE WILL BE PRESENTED IN A SEPARATE WINDOW THAN THE LMS". If your emodule pops up out of the current window then that needs checking.

Do you have a copy of the raw Lectora package? I can take a look at the file sometime today hopefully.