Limiting Test Attempts

Hey All,

Can anyone point me in the direction of any tutorials that would show me how to limit my test I'm creating (using lectora 19) to 3 attempts?

Please & Thanks

Discussion (4)

An additional option is to identify the Max Attempts per question (from the properties tab of the question, check 'Enable Max Attempts', and then select the Max Attempts from the dropdown.

I do not have a tutorial, but one way you could do it is by setting a variable that is stored/retained between sessions (e.g. _testCount), and add to it every time the test is taken. Once the count hits 4, you do not allow them back into the exam.

Pseudo code/logic would look like:

  1. Action to add 1 to _testCount when test is launched.

  2. Action to check _testCount variable against total number of tests allowed to be taken (3?). If smaller than or equal to 3, then allow them to proceed; however, if larger than 3 then display a message but do not proceed.

This is just a process off the top of my head.

@andrew-robertson thanks I'll try this out.

I just thought of another one, usually there is a setting in the LMS (at least in the ones that I've worked with) that will allow you to set the number of times a user can attempt a module. 0 for unlimited, # for number of times.